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Bingo Card Generator - My Free Bingo Cards
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): game based learning (187), printables (36), worksheets (69)
In the Classroom
Having the ability to play the Bingo game online is perfect for those who are beginning to integrate technology into their classroom. Use the Bingo Card Generator to create Bingo games to review any topic with small groups. Instead of saying the word that is on the Bingo card, give the definition (so students must find the term) or a math problem whose answer is among those on the card. Create sight word bingo cards for younger students and ESL/ELL students. Bingo is an excellent review tool for science or social studies. Put a short description of a vocabulary word into the space. Tell students the name of the vocabulary word and see if they can find it on the Bingo card. Encourage students to create bingo games for each other as a review or to engage the audience during oral presentations. Learning support teachers can create them together with students as an engaging way to review. World language teachers (and students) can create bingo cards to reinforce vocabulary.World News Reporter - Passport - NewseumED
4 to 7tag(s): journalism (73), news (228), newspapers (92)
In the Classroom
This lesson would work well when your class is talking about current world events, current events in science, or for a lesson on media reporting of news events. Once the class has completed World Reporter Passport, challenge small groups of students to extend their new skills by choosing a topic of interest and developing a news article about it. Students can use a site like Model Bank Elements of Language, reviewed here, to see how to write a proper news article. There is always the "traditional" paper and pen way to write the article. If you would like to try integrating technology in your class assignments, ask students to write their final product online using Printing Press, reviewed here. With Printing Press, individual articles will become part of a newspaper.To further extend students' knowledge about their chosen topic and to get a "real world" point of view, they could interview a specialist in the topic using video or a podcast. Have students create podcasts using a site such as Buzzsprout, reviewed here.
Some ideas for finding people to interview would be to contact someone on X (formerly Twitter), at a local nursing home, fire station, or museum to recollect times such as wars, the Great Depression, Civil Rights Movements, and more. To hone students questioning skills Refer to Story Corps, reviewed here. Once at StoryCorps click participate then Questions. You'll find tips on interview questions and an interview check list to use with students.
From Provocative to Productive - NewseumEd
4 to 12tag(s): character education (78), debate (42), difficult conversations (57), listening (93), speaking (26)
In the Classroom
Have this lesson handy when a controversial or contentious subject emerges. You just never know when that will happen, but you can run with it if you prepare using these NewseumEd guidelines. Share them with students, so they will understand what they need to do to participate successfully in a discussion or debate. Are there no issues at hand? Try finding one using Code Switch, reviewed here. At Code Switch find award-winning journalists from a variety of races to share their perspectives on current issues. Try giving students a choice! Show them several subjects and use Dotstorming, reviewed here, to comment and vote on topics for the discussion. Use the opportunity to hone students information literacy skills by reviewing how to evaluate and cite sources. Once they have researched their topic, and are ready to discuss, use a tool such as Thinkalong, reviewed here, to practice their discussion and argument strategies. With older students, a next step might be to take the debate public using Virtual Debate, reviewed here, which has online examples and resources for conducting virtual debates.Speechnotes - Speechlogger & TTSReader
K to 12tag(s): communication (129), multilingual (73), speech (68), writing (323)
In the Classroom
Speechnotes is a very versatile tool, for students, parents, and teachers alike. Bypass poor typing skills, dysgraphia, dyslexia, and physical disabilities. Use this tool to create emails, documents, or anything requiring typed text. Use in your writing class so students can get their thoughts into text without having to also think about typing. Be sure they edit their work. Use when you are in a hurry with emails requiring long text. Use for your newsletters or family emails. Share this on your class website and at Back to School Night. Emerging literacy students will enjoy the success they have with their oral language into written word. Improve content and forget about mechanics of writing or typing. Focus in on grammar and mechanics after seeing the recognized mistakes. Include this website on every toolbar and as a favorite on your class web page. ENL/ESL students can speak English, play it back, and correct it until it "sounds right" and expresses their ideas correctly.Flipped Learning Global Initiative - Flipped Learning LLC
4 to 12tag(s): learning styles (18), professional development (373)
In the Classroom
If you are considering flipping your classroom or have begun using this technique, bookmark this site as a resource for professional learning and collaboration. View webinars with your peers as you learn how to flip a classroom together. Have questions? Share your thoughts and ideas on the community forum to get answers from educators experienced in flipping their classroom.Microsoft Learn - Microsoft
K to 12tag(s): collaboration (90), Microsoft (79), preK (269), professional development (373), social networking (61), STEM (288), virtual field trips (119)
In the Classroom
Take advantage of the many resources on the site for use in your classroom and share with peers. . Enroll in the self-paced courses and tutorials to learn how to use Microsoft tools such as OneNote, PowerPoint, Teams, and others. Enroll in the online courses for personal learning in many topics or share with others in your building and learn together. Earn certificates and become a Microsoft Innovative Educator. Include all courses as part of any professional development plan.Taskade - John Xie & Stan ChangKhin Boon
K to 12tag(s): DAT device agnostic tool (146), note taking (36), organizational skills (88), video (264)
In the Classroom
Create checklists of steps in a project. Place all notes in one place, so you do not forget. Use this tool easily in your Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) classroom since all students will be able to access it for free, no matter what device they have. They could use Taskade for assignment information, reminders, and more. Consider setting up a class account that can be used by all students. Spell out the use of the site and what is allowed and not allowed -- and the penalties. Set up separate accounts for student groups who can then share their notebook with other groups.asymetrica - Aysmetrica Labs, Inc.
2 to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): multilingual (73), reading comprehension (149), reading strategies (96)
In the Classroom
Install aysmetrica on classroom computers for student use when reading text-heavy online content. aysmetrica may be especially helpful for ESL/ELL and special education students to use as an aid in reading and comprehending text. Share text on an interactive whiteboard or with a projector using aysmetrica as part of a lesson on reading skills to demonstrate "chunking" of text.Text Mode - omarr.com
K to 12tag(s): media literacy (107), multilingual (73), reading comprehension (149)
In the Classroom
Install Text Mode on all classroom computers for use throughout the year. Turn distracting images off when sharing web pages with a projector or on an interactive whiteboard to help students focus on content. Use this tool in technology training with students to share how images, videos, and ads change the look of web content. Share how adding images helps viewers understand the content. Text Mode is excellent for use with ENL/ELL and special education students as a method for focusing. Share web pages with images to help students get the big picture, then remove images to deliver and understand the content offered.Wakelet - Jamil Khalil
K to 12tag(s): bookmarks (43), collaboration (90), communication (129), curation (32), DAT device agnostic tool (146), multimedia (51), news (228), personalized learning (9), playlists (7), social media (48), social networking (61)
In the Classroom
The possibilities for using Wakelet in the classroom are endless! Create collections with tips for writing in different genres, current events, information about specific countries or cities, math games, and much more. Have students set up their own wakes as part of a research project. Put together a wake scavenger hunt to introduce a new unit or as a review at the end of a unit. Share wakes on your class web page for student use at home to review and practice class content. Having the ability to have a cover image and background for your wakes makes them much more interesting and easily identifiable, especially for young or visual students!Edge Features:
Parent permission advised before posting student work created using this tool
Includes Interaction w general public/ public galleries with unmoderated content
Includes social features, such as "friends," comments, ratings by others
Requires registration/log-in (WITH email)
Products can be embedded
Products can be shared by URL
Multiple users can collaborate on the same project
Class123 - Choong Hee Lee
K to 6tag(s): behavior (45), classroom management (118), communication (129), DAT device agnostic tool (146), parents (57), Teacher Utilities (183)
In the Classroom
Use this tool to communicate specific behaviors with parents - both positive and negative feedback. Share this site with students on the first day of school as you go over class expectations and your behavior plan for your classroom. Take advantage of the other tools to take attendance or rearrange your seating chart quickly and easily.Rambox - Ramiro Saenz
K to 12tag(s): communication (129), organizational skills (88)
In the Classroom
Download Rambox to organize content into one location, and see everything at a glance. Rambox works well for busy people who receive communications from many different messaging applications.Intergalactic Mobile Learning Center - Intergalactic Mobile Learning Center
K to 9tag(s): collaboration (90), mind map (27), spreadsheets (23), Teacher Utilities (183)
In the Classroom
Be sure to watch the videos on the homepage for an overview of the apps in action. Download Intergalactic Mobile Learning Center for use in your class for any collaborative project. Ask students to work in small groups to draw landforms or the water cycle in science class, gather data and create a spreadsheet for math, work together to write a story summary or share information on a KWL before the start of a new unit.CoSpaces - Delightex GmbH
4 to 12tag(s): augmented reality (9), coding (85), creativity (86), DAT device agnostic tool (146), digital storytelling (153)
In the Classroom
Recreate scenes from books or use CoSpaces to retell any story with 3D images. Encourage creativity and ask students to develop virtual exhibitions of artwork, animal habitats, or landforms. Have older students create infographics featuring data collections, for example comparing availability of Internet in different American towns.ClipGrab - ClipGrab.org
K to 12tag(s): conversions (37), movies (54), video (264)
In the Classroom
Use this service to backup your videos from YouTube and other sites. Use to download and save videos at home that you wish to show to students, especially if the school or district blocks them. Users must be able to find, copy, and paste the URL of the video to be downloaded. Once the program starts, you will be prompted to save it. If you want to use the video at school, you would save it to a USB stick. No registration or login is required. This should primarily be a teacher resource. If using with students, discuss appropriate and inappropriate uses of the technology as well as choosing necessary videos.Words for Life - National Literacy Trust
K to 7tag(s): communication (129), literacy (121), preK (269)
In the Classroom
Share information and activities from this site with parents to help understand literacy milestones and as a resource for learning activities. Take advantage of the many ideas on the site to include with classroom activities. Add tips from Words for Life on your classroom website for parents to view and access at anytime.From Text to Speech - Borislav D
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): french (75), german (49), italian (29), listening (93), multilingual (73), portuguese (22), russian (25), spanish (108), text to speech (20)
In the Classroom
Share with world language learners to hear text spoken in the native language. Use this site with ENL/ESL students to convert small pieces of text to their native language. Use the speed options to slow down speech for ENL/ESL students. Mark this site on your teacher web page for your ENL/ESL students to hear something read or pronounced both in and outside of class. Use From Text to Speech with students who have difficulty reading, especially when working with more challenging passages and text. Include a link to this site on your class website for students to use when learning new vocabulary in a different language.Text 2 Speech - text2speech.org
K to 12This site includes advertising.
tag(s): listening (93), multilingual (73), pronunciation (34), text to speech (20)
In the Classroom
Type or copy and paste what you'd like to hear into the Text 2 Speech box. Use speed options to slow down speech for ENL/ELL students. Mark this site on your teacher web page for your ENL/ELL students to hear something read or pronounced both in an outside of class. Use Text 2 Speech with students who have difficulty reading, especially when working with more difficult passages and text.WordClouds - wordclouds.com
2 to 12tag(s): editing (93), proofreading (21), speech (68), vocabulary (238), word choice (14), word clouds (13)
In the Classroom
WordClouds is a terrific visual tool to share on an interactive whiteboard or with a projector. Paste in a passage or URL for a political speech to visualize the politician's "message." Analyze advertising propaganda by visualizing the language used in TV or print ads. Create word clouds of historical texts of inauguration speeches as time capsules of the issues of the day. Use this site as a way to help students see and memorize text, especially visual learners. Use it also when writing poetry or reading passages of great literature to "see" themes and motifs of repeated words and images. Have students paste in their own writing to spot repeated (and monotonous) language when teaching lessons on word choice. Students will be surprised to see what words appear to be dominant. ENL and ELL students will eagerly use this site since word order will no longer be a problem for them. Have students work in groups to create word posters of vocabulary words with related meanings, such as different ways to say "walk" or "said" and decorate your classroom with these visual reminders of the richness of language.Gamification Resources - TeachersFirst
K to 12tag(s): coding (85), game based learning (187), gamification (79), polls and surveys (49)
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