Roots of STEM: Books and ideas for real world problem solving in your classroom

Today’s ever-changing technologies make it difficult for teachers trying to prepare their students for a future that is difficult to imagine. We simply do not know what our students will face. What we do know is that, as adults, our students will need to be team players, innovators, and problem solvers.
Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) represent disciplines and tools for helping our students develop the habits of mind necessary to solve complex real-world problems. High school is no longer the primary arena for this type of work. The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards, the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) converge around the topic of problem solving as early as kindergarten and challenge teachers to lay the foundation for our students' futures.
This collection of books and activity ideas offers approaches to problem solving and assists you in taking some of the mystery out of STEM education. Find entry points and resources to apply in your own classroom.
Introduction • Getting Started • For Lower Elementary • For Middle Elementary
For Upper Elementary • Resources