Janet Reno (1938)close
Born in Miami, Florida, Janet Reno is the first woman to hold the office of Attorney General of the United States, having been nominated to the position by President Bill Clinton. Prior to holding that position, she served as State Attorney for Florida. She may be best remembered for her involvement in two highly controversial events: the return of young Elian Gonzalez to his family in Cuba, and the decision to attack the Branch Davidian complex in Waco, Texas. Despite a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease, Reno stayed involved in politics, and made an unsuccessful run for Governor of Florida in 2002.
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African Americans:
Business Leaders:
National "Characters":
Phineas Taylor "P.T." Barnum | Clyde Barrow | John Wilkes Booth |
Butch Cassidy | William "Buffalo Bill" Cody | Davy Crockett |
Jesse James | Evel Knievel | Harland David "Colonel" Sanders |
Jefferson R. "Soapy" Smith |
Cultural Figures:
Pioneers and "Firsts":
Politicians & Activists:
Sports Figures:
Accomplished Women:
Writers & Poets: