What’s the Buzz: Active Learning

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What's the Buzz
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Sometimes, when thinking about educational buzzwords, we only think about student applications.  As a coach, I realize that I need to apply the same concept when working with adults.  Active Learning is a concept that applies when working with adults as well as with children. As educators, we pick up and use buzzwords all the … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: Penzu

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Tech Tool of the Month
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In the fall I had a chance to get reacquainted with Penzu. It’s a great tool for writing that allows you to create a free online journal. Individual entries can be public or private which allows you to share them in many ways. Using Penzu would be an excellent way to reflect or share your … read more »

What’s the Buzz: Computational Thinking

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What's the Buzz
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When ISTE unveiled the refreshed ISTE Standards for Students in June, there were a number significant changes. The addition of “Computational Thinking” was one of them. I’ve overheard some teachers trying to understand the concept and have come to realize that we’re not all as clear on the concept as we should be.  Some have … read more »