Tech Tool of the Month: Roxxem – Part 1

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Discover a fun and engaging way to teach languages through music with Roxxem! This innovative web platform uses popular songs to master Spanish, French, Chinese, or German. Whether students are learning solo or in a classroom along with others, Roxxem offers a treasure trove of songs categorized by language level, making it easy to find the perfect musical match.

Before sharing songs and activities, carefully select filters for content ratings (G, PG, PG-13, R) to ensure age-appropriate material. What makes Roxxem special is its suite of interactive learning tools. Challenge yourself with the entertaining Whac-a-Word game, piece together lyrics in the Puzzle mode, or dive into structured lessons. You will appreciate how seamlessly Roxxem integrates into your curriculum, offering live classroom activities and games that get everyone involved. These features, including access to hundreds of songs, personalized lessons, and interactive games, are available with a free account. Just make sure you can access YouTube videos in your learning environment.

Applying the Triple E Framework 

The Triple E Framework, created by Dr. Liz Kolb, emphasizes that effective technology integration starts with solid instructional strategies rather than fancy tools. In her book Learning First, Technology Second (ISTE, 2017), Dr. Kolb outlines three primary uses of technology in education: to Engage, Enhance, or Extend learning goals. This framework helps us evaluate classroom tools like Roxxem and their fit with our learning goals Here’s how Roxxem aligns with the Triple E Framework:

  • Engage in learning goals: Roxxem captures students’ interest through video and game-based learning activities without advertisements or distractions, allowing them to focus on content and learning goals. 
  • Enhance learning goals: Roxxem provides unique pathways for students to demonstrate their understanding, such as collaborating on listening comprehension games on individual devices. 
  • Extend learning goals: Roxxem supports learning beyond the classroom, bridging school learning and everyday experiences through asynchronous and virtual learning activities. Roxxem would be valuable as homework or a blended learning activity, and on virtual learning days, students could complete a live game together. 

SAMR Connection

The SAMR Model, by Dr. Ruben Puentedura, suggests that technology implementation in education has four levels. Using this model, we can analyze how we use technology tools like Roxxem in the classroom:

  • Substitution: At the substitution level, technology acts as a direct substitute without functional improvements, such as students watching a video on Roxxem instead of listening to a teacher read a story. 
  • Augmentation: At the augmentation level, technology includes functional improvements, like allowing students to replay videos or slow down speech for better comprehension and differentiation. 

Stay tuned for Part 2 of the Tech Tool of the Month: Roxxem, where we’ll discuss using the tool and classroom ideas. In the meantime, share your experiences with Roxxem in your educational setting in the comment section below.

About the author: Melissa Henning

Melissa Henning is the Educational Content Manager for Source for Learning, the non-profit parent company of TeachersFirst. She has over 16 years of experience in education. Melissa is a frequent presenter at national and regional conferences.

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