Honoring Dr. King’s Legacy Year-Round: Bringing His Message of Peace and Justice Into the Classroom

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Martin Luther King Jr. Day was January 15th, but Dr King’s message and example have so much wisdom to offer students year-round! MLK Jr. was multifaceted. He was a family man, an organizer, an orator, and a hero to many. He won a Nobel Peace Prize and sparked a nonviolence movement that continues today. His life continues … read more »

Bring Excitement into your Classroom with Low-Cost Makerspace Activities!

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Makerspace activities excite and engage students and offer them a multitude of academic and mental health benefits! Cost should never be a barrier to implementation of makerspace activities in your classroom. Low-cost/no-cost makerspace activities are as engaging and exciting for students as higher priced activities. You can easily obtain low-cost or no-cost makerspace materials! You … read more »

Get Ready, Hour of Code is Coming!

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Computer Science Education Week takes place December 4-10. During this week, the Hour of Code is celebrated globally! The Hour of Code is meant to be a one-hour introduction to computer science designed to demonstrate to everyone that coding is accessible and to engage student participation in computer science. This year’s theme is Creativity with … read more »

The Science of Reading Is For All Students

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What is the Science of Reading? The Science of Reading refers to years of research in many fields, including brain science, that indicate effective strategies for teaching students to read. It is not a singular program, a simple recipe for teaching reading or phonics. And it is for every student, regardless of age or grade! … read more »

What Can Your Public Library Do for You?

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What can your public library do for you as a teacher or school librarian? Schools and public libraries working together is a winning combination! Public libraries offer a wide variety of services as well as learning, programming, and collaboration opportunities for teachers and school librarians. Finding your closest public library is a breeze with the … read more »