Innovate with Low-Tech and No-Tech STEAM!

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Low-Tech, No-Tech STEAM……Isn’t that an oxymoron? Actually, no, it’s not! STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) education combines Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math to guide inquiry, discussion, collaboration, and critical thinking. It is still STEAM teaching, even if it is low or no tech. Technology is a broad topic; it does not have … read more »

From Wonder to Wisdom: Igniting Inquiry-Based Research in Your Classroom

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According to the American Association of School Librarians, inquiry-based research is “a student-centered approach to learning which naturally utilizes higher order thinking, problem-solving, and information processing via questioning.” Inquiry-based research is student-directed, involves critical thinking and problem-solving, creates new knowledge, and involves open-ended questioning and basic research skills. Bringing inquiry-based research into your classroom will … read more »

Students and Nonfiction: A Winning Combination!

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Nonfiction reading has something for everyone! Even your most reluctant readers will find a nonfiction book about a topic they are interested in. Reading nonfiction can help students learn about and make connections to their world and history, think critically about topics, learn new vocabulary, increase comprehension, motivate further reading about their own interests, and … read more »

Get Ahead of Summer Reading!

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It’s that time of the year! Time to think about summer reading and helping our students stave off the summer slide. Students that don’t read during the summer stand to lose between 25–30% of their school-year learning. Reading over the summer encourages lifelong reading, helps children improve and maintain reading skills, increases children’s knowledge base, … read more »

Happy 223rd Birthday, Library of Congress!

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April 24th is the 223rd birthday of the Library of Congress! The Library of Congress is the world’s largest library and an agency of the legislative branch of the U.S. government. It serves as the main research arm of the U.S. Congress, is recognized as the national library of the United States, and is the … read more »