Sustainable Development Goals in the Middle-Level Classroom

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Problem-solving is a crucial skill we teach our students through in-class experiences to prepare them for their future. One of the most critical problems our students can solve is the challenge of sustaining our planet for future generations. In 2015, leaders from the 193 countries of the United Nations created a plan with 17 interlinked … read more »

Creating a Sandbox of Innovation

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Spring signifies new beginnings, progress, and the blossoming of new things. But did you know that May is also National Inventors Month? If it weren’t for inventors, you might be receiving this post through the telegraph or the Pony Express! National Inventor’s Month recognizes the talents of people who have impacted our world with their … read more »

Math Awareness Month: Keeping the Focus

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Teachers and students often fear mathematics and poetry—complex math problems and poem interpretation present unique challenges. April is Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month and National Poetry Month. Albert Einstein wrote, “Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.” Since mathematics governs the structure of poems like Haikus and sonnets, it’s a prime … read more »

Research Skills in the Classroom

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Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose. Zora Neale Hurston Most known for writing and researching race, slavery, folklore, and the African-American experience, Zora Neale Hurston was a Harlem Renaissance writer and American anthropologist. While many students characterize research as daunting and many teachers find research skills challenging to teach, … read more »

Celebrate Middle-Level Education Month

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Every month of the school year is essential to a student’s development. The month of March is a time to celebrate the fantastic middle-level educators that empower students to reach their full potential.   The middle-level grades present many challenges and are a particular time in a student’s development. Physical, intellectual, and emotional developments underlie … read more »