What’s the Buzz: Micro-credentials for Educators

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As the ideas of professional development, professional learning, and training for teachers are evolving, so are the ways in which we recognize the accomplishment of learning something new.   Traditionally, teachers would take a course or workshop and at the conclusion be given a certificate of attendance which could then be submitted to your school … read more »

What’s the Buzz: Gamification or Game Based Learning?

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The idea that gamification and game based learning are closely related and need to be distinctly defined is not new.  However, we did a few OK2Ask sessions on Game Based Learning earlier this year and so I wanted to make sure that we have a clear understanding of each as we move forward.  We also … read more »

Let’s Talk About: Professional Learning

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In this podcast I talked about the differences between continuing education, professional development and professional learning.  After you listen to the podcast I would encourage you to shift to professional learning where you can determine what you learn and how it will change what happens in your classroom. Don’t depend on your school district as … read more »