Women Changemakers as Role Models for Students

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“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” Mother Teresa History books are lined with pages about changemakers who dared to challenge norms and expectations and rewrite rules. Unfortunately, most changemakers we read about in history books are men, so it is important to … read more »

Using Microsoft Tools for Authentic Assessment

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It’s important for 21st-century classroom teachers to consider how to include authentic assessments in their classrooms. Authentic assessments provide a valuable alternative to traditional assessments and allow students to practically and meaningfully demonstrate their knowledge and skills by incorporating real-world contexts and tasks. Authentic assessments emphasize critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity rather than relying … read more »

Using Retrieval Practice to Boost Student Learning

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Retrieval Practice is a learning strategy that involves recalling information as a tool to improve learning and retention. First discussed by Hermann Ebbinghaus in his 1885 book Memory: A Contribution to Experimental Psychology, a more recent book, Retrieval Practice by Kate Jones, explores classroom applications and methods to use retrieval practice to boost student learning. … read more »

NASA Citizen Science Projects

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July 20 marks Space Exploration Day, which celebrates the anniversary of the first crewed mission to the Moon in 1969. The study and exploration of space give us the unique opportunity to foster curiosity and instill a sense of wonder in our students. In addition to traditional learning opportunities, citizen science projects offer a collaborative approach … read more »

Empowering Students for Responsible Social Media Use: Strategies and Resources to Celebrate Social Media Day

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June 30 is Social Media Day and is an excellent time to consider options for providing students with the tools for responsible use of social media. With over 4.9 billion active users worldwide and teens spending an average of 3 hours daily on social media, it is vital to equip students with the necessary skills … read more »