Enhance Student Learning Through Underrepresented Historical Figures: Elizabeth Cady Stanton

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I forged the thunderbolts. She fired them. Elizabeth Cady Stanton Elizabeth Cady Stanton is a name that might sound familiar, but what do you know about her contributions to American history? Perhaps, more importantly, what do your students know about her contributions? Students often obtain a deeper understanding of history when they learn about lesser-known … read more »

Math Storytelling: Using AI to Create Engaging Lessons

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Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today. Robert McKee Storytelling isn’t just for language arts class anymore. It adapts well as a teaching tool for math classrooms. As educators recently celebrated Math Storytelling Day on September 25, it’s the perfect time to reflect on how this powerful tool can … read more »

Farewell to Flip: Preserving Student Voice in a Post-Flip World

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In June, educators worldwide learned that Flip (formerly Flipgrid) would cease to exist as a standalone platform, leaving a large void in many teachers’ technology toolboxes. Flip is now accessible only within the Microsoft Teams ecosystem. Flip was much more than a camera; it was a home for students to share their voices and a … read more »

From Classroom to Community: Nurturing Student Advocacy

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All advocacy is, at its core, an exercise in empathy. Samantha Power Believing that suffering can be an “educative force,” Mahatma Gandhi began a six-day hunger strike on September 16, 1932, in protest of how the British government’s support of a new Indian constitution creating a caste system in India. His protest led to the … read more »

 Using AI to Understand Bias in Historical Events

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Recognizing and analyzing bias is an important skill to teach students. Teaching about bias helps to expand critical thinking skills, develop empathy, and support understanding of diverse viewpoints.  As we learn to use artificial intelligence tools, it is vital to understand that generative tools demonstrate bias in different ways, and we need to look for … read more »