Discover the U.S. Patent Office for Kids

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Did you know that many of the very first government departments, established by our first President, George Washington, remain in place today? On April 10, 1790, just under a year after his inauguration, President Washington signed a bill placing the foundation for our current patent system. This law, for the first time, gave the rights … read more »

Teaching in the Middle

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They say that it takes a special person to teach in a middle school and most days during my career as a middle-school educator I would wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment.  Here’s why— the brain is said to be fully mature by the age of 25.  This leaves a challenge for all K-12 educators, but … read more »

“Say It Ain’t So, Joe,” Using Quotations from the Internet

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We all love to use the perfect apropos aphorism to punctuate our writing. Quotations by famous people to prove a writer’s point fill social media posts. How many choice memes are graced by just the right epigram? It just may be too easy find an appropriate quotation online as we have seen by the proliferation … read more »