Tech Tool of the Month: GoNoodle – Part 1

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GoNoodle is a free online resource that offers various interactive classroom “brain break” videos (and more) for educators to use in the classroom. The videos, designed for grades K–6, range from two-ten minutes and include exercises, dances, coordination, songs, and other activities. Use these videos to promote your students’ health, fitness, and mindfulness, or to reinforce curricular … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: Big Huge Labs – Part 1

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Big Huge Labs is an online tool that allows students to create personalized content using images and adding their own text. Currently, Big Huge Labs includes over 20 excellent tools to create a magazine cover, an inspirational poster, a map maker, a trading card creator, and more. No registration is required. However, you can save … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: Case Maker – Part 1

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Case Maker offers a collection of 20 civic challenges designed for middle school students. Each challenge includes primary resources. Challenge topics include Brown vs. Board of Education, Principles of Major Political Parties, Propaganda and “Fake News,” School Desegregation and the Little Rock Nine, and several other historical and civic topics. Students are not required to … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: – Part 1

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Tech Tool of the Month
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Leave a comment is a straightforward writing tool for publishing web content, such as a digital story or a blog. No registration is needed; click to fill in the post’s title, your name, and then add content. You can upload photos, videos, and Tweets. When you finish, click to publish. After publishing, you can continue editing or … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: Read to Lead – Part 1

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Read to Lead offers a collection of lessons, projects, and online learning games that align to College and Career Readiness standards and CASEL’s Social-Emotional Framework. Students can build literacy and social-emotional skills using the immersive stories presented as a “day at work” at various locations. At the time of this blog post, there were nearly … read more »