Tips for Navigating Book Challenges

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The challenging of books based on their content has a long history, but they have been a major news story this school year. The challenges are coming from a variety of sources—parents, school committees, politicians, community groups, and others. There are a variety of reasons for the discussion, but what do you do when books … read more »

Back to School in Your Library!

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It’s August, which means most school librarians are back to school or gearing up to be back to school! No one yet knows what this school year will bring. The past two years have looked very different from normal. Planning can re-energize you and your school library! Whether you use a checklist to stay on … read more »

School Librarians and Digital Citizenship

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Teaching Digital Citizenship…..whose responsibility is it? School librarians today take on many roles in the digital world. They are leading the way in the conversation around teaching digital citizenship in their schools and districts. From compiling resources for their students to teaching digital citizenship to promoting digital citizenship, school librarians are at the forefront. Digital … read more »

Celebrate School Library Month!

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April is School Library Month! The first School Library Month took place in 1985 with the theme “Where Learning Never Ends: The School Library Media Center” and was spearheaded by Lucille Thomas, chair of the School Library Media Month Committee. This year, choose your own theme to celebrate School Library Month! The American Association of … read more »

Strategies for Boosting Reading Engagement Through Your School Library

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Providing reading materials for classrooms and students is a mainstay for school libraries. There are many strategies available to school librarians to boost reading throughout their schools, which in turn increases circulation – always a good thing for the school library program. The impact of school libraries and school librarians on reading and literacy in … read more »