What About the Women?

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I recently read an article with this question as it pertains to women’s roles in our National Park Service, and I began thinking about how this issue would be an excellent theme for many classrooms. Instead of just focusing on women’s history in March, what would happen if we raised this question throughout the year … read more »

Batter Up! World Series Resources for All Subjects

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October is the time of the year we look forward to many of our favorite events. Carving pumpkins, picking apples, and trick or treating are just a few things we look forward to. Other anticipated events each fall are the baseball playoffs and World Series. Take advantage of student enjoyment of baseball to motivate and … read more »

Create a Summer Science List

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Most schools and teachers prepare summer reading lists for students, but have you considered creating a summer science list? Summer is the perfect opportunity for students to explore science concepts through online videos, hands-on projects, and digital learning courses. Now is the time to consider options to share with your students for interesting science activities … read more »