Keep the Spirit of Invention Alive in Your Classroom

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This week we celebrated Kid Inventors Day! As we experienced, Kid Inventors Day activities bring creativity, problem-solving, and fun into your classroom. So let’s keep the momentum going. If you have been looking for a low-barrier entry point to bring STEAM and Maker Education into your classroom, kid inventor activities are for you!

What can you do? Decorate your classroom (or your website/Google Classroom/other LMS) with inspiring quotes about kid inventors and inventing. Second, celebrate inspiring young inventors, innovation, or kids’ inventions. Third, make a point of infusing activities into your lessons throughout the year! There are fun activities available to help you celebrate the ingenuity of young inventors and spark creativity in any classroom.

There are many ready-to-go teaching through invention lessons available. Whether you are planning short, discrete lessons, aiming for learners to lead the class, or looking for a framework to teach the steps of invention and how it works in the real world, there is something available to help! You can infuse invention into English, Social Studies, Global Goals, Math, advanced academics, Art, Music, Science, Library, ESL, Technology, or just about any other subject. Inventing should be a fun, exciting, and engaging topic. Teach your students how inventions make the world a better place. Then challenge them with inventing something to make the world a better place! Get students started to enter a future competition. Inventing in your classroom can open a whole new world of possibilities! 

Let Kids Invention Day lead to something bigger in your classroom perhaps even a foray into the world of making. Whatever path you choose, start by reviewing resources from TeachersFirst or inspiration from the TeachersFirst blog. How do you celebrate the spirit of invention? We’d love to hear your strategies in the comments below!

About the author: Darshell Silva

Darshell Silva is a school librarian in Providence, RI, and a per-course faculty member at the University of Rhode Island. Darshell is passionate about maker education. She began working with the K-12 team at The Source for Learning in 2018.

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