Bring Letter Writing into Your Classroom: Here’s How

“To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart.”Phyllis Theroux When is the last time you wrote a letter using paper and pencil? For many of us, it has been quite a long time. The art of letter writing is under assault from easy access to email … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: Microsoft Designer – Part 2

In Part 1 of this blog, we introduced you to Microsoft Designer and discussed applying the SAMR Model and the Triple E Framework to using it in your instruction. Today’s post offers detailed instructions for using this tool and shares classroom implementation ideas. Microsoft Designer: After navigating to Microsoft Designer and logging in to your … read more »

Creative Activities for Copyright in the Classroom

Digital tools and resources have revolutionized the way our students learn and create. Our students consume and make music, videos, images, and artwork for school projects and personal interests daily. However, many students perceive copyright as primarily about restrictions, making it seem like copyright is a barrier to creativity rather than something that supports and protects … read more »

Get Caught Reading in May and All Summer Long!

It’s May, so it’s time to Get Caught Reading! May is all about celebrating the excitement and delight of getting lost in a good book. Whether it’s a beloved classic or a brand-new adventure, reading should be a natural and enjoyable activity for students, and Get Caught Reading Month aims to promote this mindset. Reignite … read more »

10 Quick & Easy Ideas to Celebrate & Remember Memorial Day (With Examples!)

The last Monday in May is Memorial Day, a time to remember and honor U.S. military personnel who died while serving in the Armed Forces. Unfortunately, this holiday also falls during one of the busiest times of the school year. Many teachers face constant disruptions to their schedule at the end of the school year … read more »