Let’s Talk About: Great Outdoors Month

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June is Great Outdoors Month, a time to celebrate our local, state, national parks, and waterways. As we straddle the line between pandemic and endemic COVID-19, we need to balance safety for those still vulnerable and learning to live with COVID19 as an endemic disease. In 2020 we discussed staying close to home with your … read more »

Let’s Talk About: Ma Rainey

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June is African American Music Month. Well-meaning teachers may take this as an opportunity to introduce a lesson about African American music. However, without context or connection to the curriculum, the class might fall flat and not engage students as intended. I want to suggest a more culturally responsive approach. Reading Teach Boldly for the … read more »

Let’s Talk About: Reading and Empathy

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May is when we officially celebrate the Get Caught Reading public service campaign. The idea of the campaign is to share the excitement of reading with others. The sponsoring organization provides posters, others create social media challenges, and libraries plan special events to encourage people to pick up a book.  There are many reasons why … read more »

Let’s Talk About Literacy for a Human-Centered Recovery

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International Literacy Day is celebrated annually on September 8th. This year’s theme center’s around recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.  Unesco facilitates the global celebration as a day to remember that literacy affects a person’s sense of dignity and that globally there are over 773 million people who lack basic literacy skills. While we are in various phases … read more »