10 Edge Resources for Digital Learning Day

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Mark your calendar to celebrate Digital Learning Day this February 23 with educators from around the globe. This day highlights excellent teaching with technology and promotes the use of digital learning tools to improve the learning experience of our students. Digital Learning Day 2017 (#DLDay) provides an excellent opportunity to try a new digital tool … read more »

5 Tools for Providing Authentic (and Effective) Feedback

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Research has long proven that providing students with authentic and timely feedback improves student performance and learning. In fact, the authors of this study concluded that “Feedback is among the most critical influences on student learning.” Many sites and online tools offer help with providing feedback to learners; in fact, the number of choices may … read more »

Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. Through Service for Others

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Every year, on the third Monday of January, our nation stops to honor and recognize the contributions of Martin Luther King Jr.  His “I Have a Dream” speech urging all people to fight peacefully for democracy and brotherhood is known by all, and is the basis for many classroom lessons on MLK and Civil Rights. … read more »

What About the Women?

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I recently read an article with this question as it pertains to women’s roles in our National Park Service, and I began thinking about how this issue would be an excellent theme for many classrooms. Instead of just focusing on women’s history in March, what would happen if we raised this question throughout the year … read more »