Choice Boards for the Classroom

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Over 20 years ago, as a new teacher, I struggled to grade 28 submissions for each assignment I gave my students. Finally, I realized that I had a choice to make. Do I continue with a one size fits all approach to learning in my classroom, or do I place more responsibility in the hands … read more »

Lewis and Clark’s Discovery Expedition

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“Amazing the things you find when you bother to search for them.” Sacagawea Two hundred and fifteen years ago, on September 22, 1806, Lewis and Clark arrived in St Charles, MO—their last stop before reaching their final destination of St. Louis, ending the first recorded overland journey from the Mississippi River to the Pacific coast … read more »

Let’s Celebrate Positive Thinking Day

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“Sometimes, when things are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place.” Unknown Are you an optimist or a pessimist? September 13 is Positive Thinking Day, an opportunity to reflect on sharing a positive attitude and positive thinking strategies in your classroom. According to this article from Very Well Mind, developing positive thinking skills … read more »

Let’s Talk About: 5 ways to extend National Read A Book Day

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Today is National Read A Book Day, which gives us an extra reason to pick up a book and immerse ourselves in a new and different world. Sometimes, making a short stop in that alternate place is not enough. Students may need to extend the experience to learn about the text’s characters, periods, and themes. Here … read more »

Let’s Celebrate Water Quality Month!

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Each August, we celebrate Water Quality Month, dedicated to preserving and maximizing freshwater resources worldwide. The genesis of this observation began after the passage of two critical acts in 1972 and 1974 – the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act. However, there is no need to observe a designated observation to realize … read more »