Celebrate Your Future Engineers!

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With National Engineers Week taking place from February 18–24 (this year’s theme is “Welcome to the Future!”) and Introduce A Girl to Engineering Day happening on February 22, this is the perfect time to add some engineering lessons or activities to your class schedule! Many organizations offer live and on-demand events and various resources to … read more »

Leveraging Podcasts to Boost Active Listening in the Classroom

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UNESCO recognized World Radio Day on behalf of its member nations in 2011; then, in 2013, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the day internationally. This annual recognition focuses on raising awareness of radio as a means of communication, information, and entertainment. In many respects, podcasts are like radio broadcasts. Both deliver audio content to … read more »

Igniting Curiosity: Stories and Resources for Celebrating Women and Girls in Science

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“If you know you are on the right track, if you have this inner knowledge, then nobody can turn you off… no matter what they say.”  Barbara McClintock, cytogeneticist and winner of the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine As we approach the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on February 11th, … read more »

Digging Deeper: Using Thinking Routines to Build Empathy During African-American History Month

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As we celebrate and observe African-American History Month in February, we must recognize the importance of making this topic relevant to students beyond just learning about famous African Americans and their contributions to this country’s history. Including specific activities that promote deeper thinking allows us to deepen understanding while building empathy for others. Developing empathy … read more »

Honoring Dr. King’s Legacy Year-Round: Bringing His Message of Peace and Justice Into the Classroom

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Martin Luther King Jr. Day was January 15th, but Dr King’s message and example have so much wisdom to offer students year-round! MLK Jr. was multifaceted. He was a family man, an organizer, an orator, and a hero to many. He won a Nobel Peace Prize and sparked a nonviolence movement that continues today. His life continues … read more »