Tech Tool of the Month: Microsoft Touch Develop

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It is mid-November now, and we are quickly approaching the Hour of Code, happening December 4-10. Over 180 countries participate with millions of students from around the world. It only seemed fitting to feature a tech tool in November to help us all prepare for this incredible event! Microsoft Touch Develop allows you to create … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month:

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Tech Tool of the Month
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They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Imagine the power (and words) packed within a comic strip of engaging pictures. Comics allow you to differentiate and meet the needs of more students, especially your kinesthetic learners. You can use comics to empower struggling readers with less text. September 25th is National Comic Book … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: ABCYA Word Clouds

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The ABCYA website offers a plethora of activities for the elementary crowd. This month’s Tech Tool features the ABCYA Word Clouds tool. Even our younger digital natives crave some cool tech tools to incorporate into their lessons. Although the tool is described as appropriate for grades K-5, it could be used with middle schoolers. Word Clouds … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: Simplify Your Life with SignUp Genius

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What does your summer look like? Are you busy with picnics, fireworks, pool parties, cookouts, reunions, vacation, hiking, and more? Maybe you are embracing professional learning, preparing for the next school year, and making some appointments that just can’t fit in during the school year. Some of you may already be back in the classroom … read more »