Tech Tool of the Month: Write

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Every student seems to have a different opinion about writing. Some love to get their thoughts on paper and could write for an entire period, thoughts flowing out full of creativity. Then there are students who struggle to get started, find any words, or even finish a sentence. The tech tool that I am highlighting … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: 3×3 Links

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Isn’t it amazing how sometimes the most simple sites are also the most helpful, or even powerful? I was recently introduced to one of these gems, 3×3 Links. This bookmarking site allows you to create a 3×3 grid to organize and share websites. Once it is created, you can share with a URL.   To … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: Microsoft Touch Develop

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Tech Tool of the Month
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It is mid-November now, and we are quickly approaching the Hour of Code, happening December 4-10. Over 180 countries participate with millions of students from around the world. It only seemed fitting to feature a tech tool in November to help us all prepare for this incredible event! Microsoft Touch Develop allows you to create … read more »