TechBytes: Make Your Google Slide Presentations More Powerful With These 2 Tips

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Are you looking to make your Google slide presentations more powerful? Watch this episode of TechBytes for two great design tips: 1) how to use the Eye Dropper extension to select custom colors from an image within your presentation, and 2) how to adjust the transparency of the fill color in a shape or text … read more »

What’s the Buzz: Micro-credentials for Educators

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What's the Buzz
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As the ideas of professional development, professional learning, and training for teachers are evolving, so are the ways in which we recognize the accomplishment of learning something new.   Traditionally, teachers would take a course or workshop and at the conclusion be given a certificate of attendance which could then be submitted to your school … read more »

Are you a Digitally Literate Teacher?

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One of my favorite quotes is from futurist guru Alvin Toffler. In Future Shock, incredibly first published in 1970, Toffler is often credited with saying, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” It first originated with Herbert Gerjuoy, whom … read more »

Chill Out! 2 Easy Tools for Stress Reduction

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Classroom Application
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Are there times during the school year when you or your students stress out? There is no wonder why. Teachers strive to keep up with daily classroom activities along with paper work, interaction with parents and administrators, and adherence to an ever-growing list of new standards and regulations. Students are under pressure to keep up … read more »

Have You Heard? We Learn More By Looking For The Answer…

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Have You Heard
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I love this quote. I think it has many layers…many applications within education and life in general. At its’ core is what Aristotle contended so many centuries ago, “that human beings are curious by nature.” Bottom line, we learn best when we are engaged, when we have to discover and make meaning from that discovery. … read more »