What’s the Buzz: Personalized Learning

It’s easy to get terms confused, especially when they sound similar and are closely related.  This is definitely the case with personalized and individualized learning. There are a few distinct differences that should help you remember how the two are very different. Personalized learning is learner centered.  In this highly individualized method, students set their … read more »

Media Literacy in a Presidential Election Year

Bombarded by television ads in this presidential election year, especially in battleground states, many of us tend to press the mute button on the remote or change the station. However, as teachers, we should be thinking about the messages our students are getting when watching TV and as they live their everyday virtual lives. Media literacy, … read more »

Are Digital Natives Digital Citizens, Too?

In this season of intense political activity, now might be a good time to think about digital citizenship. We cannot assume that our students who are digital natives have the skills to be good digital citizens of the virtual world in which they live every day. Many schools have some sort of cybersafety curriculum, perhaps … read more »

What’s the Buzz: Micro-credentials for Educators

As the ideas of professional development, professional learning, and training for teachers are evolving, so are the ways in which we recognize the accomplishment of learning something new.   Traditionally, teachers would take a course or workshop and at the conclusion be given a certificate of attendance which could then be submitted to your school … read more »

Are you a Digitally Literate Teacher?

One of my favorite quotes is from futurist guru Alvin Toffler. In Future Shock, incredibly first published in 1970, Toffler is often credited with saying, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” It first originated with Herbert Gerjuoy, whom … read more »