Embrace the Fun of Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have tea with Winston Churchill, debate philosophy with Socrates, or hurtle into the 23rd century to see if flying cars have become a reality? Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day, celebrated annually on December 8, grants you a passport to explore these whimsical adventures. … read more »

Celebrating National Parental Involvement Day: Strengthening the School-Home Connection

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National Parental Involvement Day is observed on the third Thursday in November; it’s a chance to celebrate the invaluable contributions of parents, grandparents, and other caregiver adults in your students’ lives. This day also provides an opportunity to build strong partnerships between schools, families, and communities, emphasizing collaboration and teamwork for the holistic development of … read more »

Enhancing Education with AI: American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month Lessons

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George H.W. Bush designated November as American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month in 1990 as an extension to the 1986 celebration of American Indian Week proclaimed by Ronald Reagan. American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month is now recognized annually to honor Native American and Alaska Native communities. Although it is possible to conduct … read more »

Coming Soon to Netflix: Your Students’ Series about the Founding Fathers!

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James Madison is often called the Father of the Constitution for his role in writing the Federalist Papers and creating a new form of government following the Continental Congress. He and the rest of the founding fathers—George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay—led the revolution, brought independence to the … read more »

Celebrate Digital Learning Day 2023!

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Classroom Application, Digital Citizenship
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“If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.” – John Dewey Digital Learning Day is an annual event celebrating technology’s innovative use in education. Championed since its inception by All4Ed and usually held near the end of February, Digital Learning Day’s goal is to raise awareness about the benefit … read more »