Try This Instead of That for National Heart Month

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February is National Heart Month, a time to raise awareness about heart disease and ways to maintain a healthy heart lifestyle. Many of us celebrate Valentine’s Day during February, a holiday that also focuses on the heart. Valentine’s Day provides an excellent segway to teaching about the heart and circulatory system and an opportunity to … read more »

Sesame Street’s Influence on Education: What Can Educators Learn?

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“It’s not whether children learn from television, it’s what children learn from television…because everything that children see on television is teaching them something.” – Joan Ganz Cooney, co-creator of Sesame Street On November 10, 1969, Sesame Street made its television debut. Sesame Street. This revolutionary show has taught generations of young children various skills, from … read more »

Make a Difference Every Day with Middle-Level Students

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Make a Difference Day held on the fourth Saturday of October, celebrates the power of people to make a difference in the lives of others in their community. This past weekend millions of volunteers worldwide united in a shared mission to volunteer. Created in 1992 by USA Weekend magazine and co-sponsor Points of Light Foundation, … read more »

Creating a Culture of Community in Your School

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 “We are social beings, and we need each other to thrive. A strong, healthy community can bolster us through challenging moments and bring joy to our lives. When we build community, we can build our empathy for each other; and building empathy for each other helps us build community.”  – Elena Aguilar Onward: Cultivating Emotional … read more »

Lewis and Clark’s Discovery Expedition

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“Amazing the things you find when you bother to search for them.” Sacagawea Two hundred and fifteen years ago, on September 22, 1806, Lewis and Clark arrived in St Charles, MO—their last stop before reaching their final destination of St. Louis, ending the first recorded overland journey from the Mississippi River to the Pacific coast … read more »