What’s the Buzz: Personalized Learning

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It’s easy to get terms confused, especially when they sound similar and are closely related.  This is definitely the case with personalized and individualized learning. There are a few distinct differences that should help you remember how the two are very different. Personalized learning is learner centered.  In this highly individualized method, students set their … read more »

Have You Heard? If they can do the worksheet, they don’t need it…

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It is the start of a new school year. May this be your most wonder-filled, rewarding and empowering yet. At the beginning of each new year, we plan — we plan for the use of instructional strategies that have improved student learning in the past, and we plan for the implementation of newly acquired strategies as … read more »

TO BE READ: From Our Shelf to Yours, August 2016. Prepare to be inspired. Prepare to be challenged. Prepare to grow.

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Another fabulous summer has come to a close. Educators are once again engulfed in the start of a new school year and all the wonderful and time-consuming things that go along with it. While most of you found time to read over the summer amid vacations, lesson plan prep, professional development and personal rejuvenation, it … read more »

What’s the Buzz: Augmented and Virtual Reality

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Augmented reality and virtual reality might sound like geek-speak to some, but the truth is these technological advances have real implications for the classroom.  Of course, before you can make your case for new apps or equipment to supplement your instruction, you have to know what you are asking for and how it could help … read more »

Have You Heard? Nothing Could Be More Absurd…In Memory of Seymour Papert

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Twice a month we devote blog posts to powerful quotes. We offer short discussions of how they impact us personally, professionally and, most importantly, how they apply to our area of expertise, effective technology implementation in the classroom. This week we chose a quote from the legendary educational theorist, Seymour Papert, MIT mathematician, computer scientist, and … read more »