Let’s Talk About: 5 ways to extend National Read A Book Day

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Today is National Read A Book Day, which gives us an extra reason to pick up a book and immerse ourselves in a new and different world. Sometimes, making a short stop in that alternate place is not enough. Students may need to extend the experience to learn about the text’s characters, periods, and themes. Here … read more »

Win With Civility Month

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Are you aware that August is Win With Civility Month (also known as National Civility Month)? As you prepare for the new school year, creating a supportive environment and teaching and reinforcing character are very important. Civility is a valuable skill to teach as it can help establish a supportive classroom environment. So let’s look … read more »

Sustainable Development Goals in the Middle-Level Classroom

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Problem-solving is a crucial skill we teach our students through in-class experiences to prepare them for their future. One of the most critical problems our students can solve is the challenge of sustaining our planet for future generations. In 2015, leaders from the 193 countries of the United Nations created a plan with 17 interlinked … read more »

21 Free Tech Tools for Knowledge Construction

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Searching for the definition of knowledge construction leads to several different meanings that all begin with the fundamental premise that knowledge is a generative process. This article provides twelve descriptions of knowledge construction! As educators, we understand that knowledge construction is crucial to successful learning. Learning about the different methods that students learn allows us … read more »

Let’s Talk About: Ma Rainey

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June is African American Music Month. Well-meaning teachers may take this as an opportunity to introduce a lesson about African American music. However, without context or connection to the curriculum, the class might fall flat and not engage students as intended. I want to suggest a more culturally responsive approach. Reading Teach Boldly for the … read more »