Tech Tool of the Month: TES Blendspace Part 2

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Tech Tool of the Month
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In Part 1 of this blog, you were introduced to TES Blendspace. This free tool allows you to create interactive, online lessons. Yesterday we shared an overview of the tool. We also discussed the application of both the SAMR model and the TRIPLE E Frameworks as you integrate TES Blendspace into your instruction. Today’s post … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: TES Blendspace Part 1

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Tech Tool of the Month
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TES Blendspace allows you to create interactive online lessons. Perfect for blended learning, flipped learning, or traditional instruction, this tool offers suggested resources based on your topic. You also have the option to search all of Blendspace’s resources (shared by other educators). You can create your own lessons and activities or upload files/resources from YouTube, … read more »

Bringing the Gettysburg Address to Life With Video

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November 19 marks the anniversary of the Gettysburg Address given by Abraham Lincoln in 1863. This extraordinary speech is taught in classrooms around the country as an example of a powerful speech that shares the principles of democracy and freedom during a difficult time in American history.   Although relatively short (about 2 ½ minutes), this … read more »

3 Must-Have Resources for National Family Literacy Day

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“No skill is more crucial to the future of a child than literacy.” Los Angeles Times November 1st kicks off Family Literacy Month with National Family Literacy Day. These events highlight the importance of family literacy programs. Typical activities include inviting family members to the school to read to students, book drives, celebrity readers, and … read more »

Math Storytelling Day

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Not all elementary teachers love teaching math, but I do. I love encouraging classroom discussions about different ways to solve problems and think about math concepts. I love seeing students frustrated by a new skill and building confidence as they gain knowledge. I love it when I meet incoming students who say their favorite subject … read more »