Immigration: Let’s Get Personal

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Classroom Application
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On October 28, 1886, the Statue of Liberty was unveiled. This gift from France symbolizes the commitment of the two countries during the American Revolutionary War. Almost immediately, the statue became the symbol of America’s willingness to take in immigrants from around the world, and Ellis Island became the gateway for over 12 million people … read more »

All about Me and Other People, Using Biographies in Instruction

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Library Media
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The start of the school years is a time to get to know our students. Perennial favorite activities other than “what I did on my summer vacation” essays are “all about me” assignments. As students take a look at their own lives, this is a perfect time to add biographies to your class lessons. Reading … read more »

Infusing Collaboration with Personalized Learning

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Social Learning
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Hopefully you had a chance to brush up on the Social Learning Theory, but in case life got in the way, the essential components to understand are the instinctual needs of learners to collaborate and share with the teacher as a facilitator.  Doing so in an informal learning space is most desired according to this … read more »