Captain Critique’s War on Fake News: Join the Fight!

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Technology has transformed how information is accessed and shared, bringing opportunities and challenges to our classrooms. In this wild west of the Internet, as educators, we find ourselves in serious need of superhero skills to empower students to thrive in a dynamic and interconnected world – where misinformation lurks in the shadows, emojis function as … read more »

Honoring Dr. King’s Legacy Year-Round: Bringing His Message of Peace and Justice Into the Classroom

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Martin Luther King Jr. Day was January 15th, but Dr King’s message and example have so much wisdom to offer students year-round! MLK Jr. was multifaceted. He was a family man, an organizer, an orator, and a hero to many. He won a Nobel Peace Prize and sparked a nonviolence movement that continues today. His life continues … read more »

Celebrating the Grand Canyon’s 105th Anniversary: Unleashing Nature’s Wonders in Your Classroom

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Did you know that on January 11th, 1919, the Grand Canyon achieved a historic milestone, transforming from a National Monument to a National Park? This pivotal transition showed a commitment to preserving and celebrating the canyon’s breathtaking beauty for generations to come. Another significance of this transition is that it embodies a higher level of … read more »

Bring Excitement into your Classroom with Low-Cost Makerspace Activities!

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Makerspace activities excite and engage students and offer them a multitude of academic and mental health benefits! Cost should never be a barrier to implementation of makerspace activities in your classroom. Low-cost/no-cost makerspace activities are as engaging and exciting for students as higher priced activities. You can easily obtain low-cost or no-cost makerspace materials! You … read more »

Building a Positive Classroom Culture: The Role of Effective Classroom Management

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“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” William Butler Yeats This quote encompasses the essence of a classroom—a space not just for imparting knowledge but for igniting curiosity, fostering relationships, and nurturing growth. A positive classroom culture thrives only when a safe and inclusive space is cultivated. Effective … read more »