Sally Ride, Women in STEM, and Tips for Creating a Successful Biography Unit

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“I did not come to NASA to make history.” Sally Ride She may not have come to make history, but she certainly did. May 26 is Sally Ride Day, celebrated on the anniversary of her birth in 1951. Most of us recognize Sally Ride as the first American woman to go to space. Her first … read more »

Quick, Easy, and Engaging Arbor Day Activities

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“He who plants a tree plants hope.” Lucy Larcom This year commemorates the 150th anniversary of Arbor Day. J. Sterling Morton spearheaded the planting of one million trees in Nebraska in 1872, leading to the formation of the Arbor Day Foundation one hundred years later to carry on his mission. Over time, the foundation has … read more »

Celebrate National Engineers Week with Design Thinking!

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National Engineers Week is February 20–26, 2022! What better time to engage in engineering and design thinking activities in your classroom?! Engineering and design thinking can open up a whole new world of innovation and creativity for students.  National Engineers Week offers many opportunities to introduce your students to the world of engineering. Introduce them … read more »

Keep the Spirit of Invention Alive in Your Classroom

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This week we celebrated Kid Inventors Day! As we experienced, Kid Inventors Day activities bring creativity, problem-solving, and fun into your classroom. So let’s keep the momentum going. If you have been looking for a low-barrier entry point to bring STEAM and Maker Education into your classroom, kid inventor activities are for you! What can … read more »

Fly High With Airplanes and Choice Boards!

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Do you use Choice Boards? If you find them interesting but still need some more information, let’s take a look at one example of how to get started in a way that incorporates science and STEAM activities based upon significant dates in history and student interests. December is a significant month for aviation history. On … read more »