Supporting ENL Students During Remote Learning

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Many teachers are engaging in remote learning experiences for the first time this school year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As we navigate this challenging time, teachers are scrambling to adapt experiences to better serve their students. However, the move to remote instruction has exacerbated the challenge of equitable access to resources and opportunities for … read more »

Station Rotation and Remote Learning

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COVID-19 forced schools and teachers to adapt and find ways to teach our students through remote learning opportunities. Learning is multi-dimensional, and remote learning added another layer of complexity. The pandemic has been difficult for families, students, and teachers. Everyone has shown resilience, perseverance, and flexibility – and to make the best of our current … read more »

Student-Centered Assessment Tools for Remote Learning

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Assessment is a critical component of teaching and learning. Measuring student learning through assessments allows both the teacher and student to analyze how successfully the students are meeting the activities’ purpose and objectives. Teachers are confronted with the challenge of creating meaningful learning experiences and authentic assessments during remote learning experiences. The nature of remote … read more »

Building a Culturally Sensitive Remote Classroom

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Teachers and students were thrust into remote learning situations with little to no preparation at the end of the 2019-2020 school year. Many instructional programs were able to carry over the  relationships and routines established in the physical classroom to the online environment. Teachers worldwide worked to keep the connections established in face-to-face experiences in … read more »

The Magnitude of Gratitude

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As the coronavirus continues to rattle our world, the current climate is challenging for both students and teachers. Teachers are working tirelessly to create a supportive and encouraging classroom culture – the bedrock for instilling confidence in our students to take risks in the classroom, share ideas, and experience more in-depth learning. Focusing on seeing … read more »