Tech Tool of the Month: Animoto

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From time to time I learn about or rediscover a tech tool that is really versatile.  When that happens, members of the TeachersFirst team know that for at least the next month they will find the tool strategically placed in emails, mentioned in conversation, and suggested for inclusion on all types of projects that we … read more »

What’s the Buzz: Differentiation

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Differentiation is one of those terms that teachers have heard a lot about over the years, but I still hear confusion over the term when I talk to other educators. Depending on their teaching situation, educators can get stuck on a single dimension of differentiation. Some think it means catering to a student’s learning profile … read more »

What’s the Buzz: Personalized Learning

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It’s easy to get terms confused, especially when they sound similar and are closely related.  This is definitely the case with personalized and individualized learning. There are a few distinct differences that should help you remember how the two are very different. Personalized learning is learner centered.  In this highly individualized method, students set their … read more »

What’s the Buzz: Augmented and Virtual Reality

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Augmented reality and virtual reality might sound like geek-speak to some, but the truth is these technological advances have real implications for the classroom.  Of course, before you can make your case for new apps or equipment to supplement your instruction, you have to know what you are asking for and how it could help … read more »

Let’s Talk About: Technology Integration

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  In this podcast, I talked about three different approaches teachers give coaches when talking about technology integration.  After you listen to the podcast, I would encourage you to think about your approach to technology integration.  Do you use technology as a help for the teacher or to engage your students?  When thinking about using … read more »