Let’s Talk About: Media Literacy

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As we begin to resume our K-12 charge – educating the children of our nation – we will need to contend with the diverse issues that our students have been hearing about. From the Black Lives Matter movement to the upcoming presidential election and everything in between, students have been inundated with media. There is … read more »

What’s the Buzz: Digital Reading

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Education has moved forward a bit recently. We’ve learned a lot about using technology in the classroom (and remotely) and our readiness to provide instruction in many non-traditional formats.  A lot has been said about teaching reading and reading online.  But the conversations about reading haven’t extended to teaching digital reading.   Digital reading and … read more »

Let’s Talk About: Learning First, Technology Second

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This week we started the TeachersFirst®️ summer book study. Our text this year is Learning First, Technology Second (ISTE, 2017) by Liz Kolb.  I first learned of Dr. Kolb and her work with instructional technology through my work with the ISTE Edtech Coaches PLN.  Dr. Kolb was the featured author in a session hosted by … read more »

Let’s Talk About: Practicing Creative Communication with Students

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June is Effective Communication Month – the perfect time of year to practice the Creative Communicator ISTE standard with students. Students consume media messages a lot more frequently than they create them.  June has a few silly “holidays” that can be used as fodder for student practice.  Let’s talk about how to make the best … read more »

What’s the Buzz: Professional Learning and Development

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As we anticipate the first official day of summer, many educators look forward to a well-deserved break. Thinking of what we accomplished, given the challenges faced, we reflect and wonder how to increase effectiveness next school year. Many outside education think educators spend the summer months enjoying time off when, in actuality, the opposite is … read more »