Hidden Figures No More: Spotlight on Women in Science

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April 25 is National DNA Day, commemorating the 1953 double helix discovery and the subsequent completion of The Human Genome Project in 2003. James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the double helix; however, several women, including Rosalind Franklin, Martha Chase, and Barbara McClintock, made notable contributions yet aren’t as well-known in the scientific community. Despite … read more »

Enhancing Communication for Diverse Learners Through Multimodal Learning

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Designing instruction that addresses many unique learning styles and individual student needs is vital in today’s diverse classrooms. Multimodal learning is a powerful approach to instruction that engages learners of all backgrounds, abilities, and preferences by offering activities in many different formats. This learning approach enhances classroom communication by including supportive and inclusive lessons that … read more »

Closing Out Women’s History Month with Digital Books

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“Here’s to strong women; may we know them, may we be them, may we raise them.” Author Unknown As Women’s History Month draws to a close, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the remarkable women we’ve learned about over the past few weeks. An engaging way for students to showcase their learning is to … read more »

Beyond the Digits: Elevating Your Pi Day Celebrations with Music, Art, and Technology

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What did Pi say when asked if they could explain what Pi Day was again? “I don’t want to repeat myself.” On March 14, 1988, physicist and San Francisco Science Museum employee Larry Shaw revolutionized how we celebrate mathematics by organizing the first-ever Pi Day. This date, representing the first three digits of Pi, also … read more »

Celebrate National Foreign Language Month

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Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things. Flora Lewis March is National Foreign Language Month—a time to recognize the cognitive and cultural benefits of learning foreign languages. Studying languages builds communication skills and strengthens mental flexibility, critical thinking, and problem-solving across … read more »