Celebrate Great Outdoors Month

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In all of nature there is something of the marvelous. Aristotle What is your favorite outdoor activity? Perhaps you enjoy swimming, hiking, boating, or another way to enjoy Mother Nature. Many others share your enthusiasm, in fact, June is Great Outdoors Month. Started in 1998, this celebration of the outdoors has grown from a weekly event … read more »

5 Sites for Teaching About Memorial Day with Primary Sources

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Memorial Day, formerly known as Decoration Day, is the time when Americans honor and recognize people who died while serving our country in the armed forces. Although historians dispute the birthplace of Memorial Day we know it began after the Civil War. This tradition continues to be held the last Monday of each May as communities … read more »

Take Your Presentations to the Next Level!

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It took the better part of a school year, but now your classroom is moving along smoothly. Your class is familiar with your teaching style, you have learned the quirks of individual personalities, you and your students have mastered all of the “new” technologies and materials from the beginning of the year, and everyone is … read more »

If the World Were a Village

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April is Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month.  The Joint Policy Board for Mathematics (JPBM) created this effort to build awareness of the importance of math and statistics in addressing real world problems like immigration and climate change. Even our youngest students understand statistics when we use age-appropriate lessons such as this one from the National Council of … read more »