From Penguins to Pandas: Celebrating National Zoo and Aquarium Month

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June is National Zoo and Aquarium Month, a time to celebrate and appreciate these organizations’ conservation, education, and research work. Take advantage of this occasion by bringing the wonders of the animal world into your classroom and engaging your students with fascinating facts, videos, and virtual tours of some of the world’s best zoos and … read more »

National Inventors Month: Five Engaging Activities to Inspire the Inventor’s Spirit in All Students

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Invention is a process: you don’t get there overnight Louis Foreman May is National Inventors Month, an excellent time to introduce your students to inventions and inventors and to discuss their character traits found, including perseverance, curiosity, and problem solving. Celebrating the spirit of inventors and the invention process is an engaging way for students … read more »

From Page to Stage: Hosting a Poetry Cafe for Poem in Your Pocket Day

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Poem in Your Pocket Day is celebrated annually as one of the culminating events of National Poetry Month. Observing this day is an excellent time to teach about and celebrate poetry. The premise is simple, carry a poem with you throughout the day and share your poem with others. This TeachersFirst collection of poetry resources … read more »

Let’s Chat: Planning for Earth Day with AI

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The first Earth Day celebration took place on April 22, 1970. Senator Gaylord Nelson promoted the concept of Earth Day to encourage students to fight for environmental causes with the same kind of energy they used to fight the Vietnam War. Earth Day activities and events have seen over one billion people in one hundred … read more »