Effective Strategies for Supporting English Language Learners in Your Classroom

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Rita Mae Brown’s quote demonstrates how learning a new language for English language learners (ELLs) is not just about communication but also about gaining insight into a new culture and way of life. Currently, ELLs are a growing population in U.S. public schools, with an average of 10 percent of students classified as ELLs nationwide … read more »

National Inventors Month: Five Engaging Activities to Inspire the Inventor’s Spirit in All Students

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Invention is a process: you don’t get there overnight Louis Foreman May is National Inventors Month, an excellent time to introduce your students to inventions and inventors and to discuss their character traits found, including perseverance, curiosity, and problem solving. Celebrating the spirit of inventors and the invention process is an engaging way for students … read more »

From Page to Stage: Hosting a Poetry Cafe for Poem in Your Pocket Day

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Poem in Your Pocket Day is celebrated annually as one of the culminating events of National Poetry Month. Observing this day is an excellent time to teach about and celebrate poetry. The premise is simple, carry a poem with you throughout the day and share your poem with others. This TeachersFirst collection of poetry resources … read more »

Happy 223rd Birthday, Library of Congress!

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April 24th is the 223rd birthday of the Library of Congress! The Library of Congress is the world’s largest library and an agency of the legislative branch of the U.S. government. It serves as the main research arm of the U.S. Congress, is recognized as the national library of the United States, and is the … read more »

Empowering Autistic Students: Create Awareness and Inclusion for Autism Spectrum Disorder

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“It takes a village to raise a child. It takes a child with autism to raise the consciousness of the village.” Elaine Hall April is Autism Awareness Month when individuals, organizations, and communities unite to increase awareness and acceptance of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). As educators, it’s essential to support and celebrate autistic students and … read more »