Tech Tool of the Month – Room Escape Maker

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Game-based learning and gamification are hot topics in education. This month I was given the task to find ONE tech tool to share related to games in the classroom. This task was quite the challenge due to the quality sites that I am already familiar with. But then I started to think about “what if” … read more »

School Culture and Climate

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School culture and climate is a passion of mine— I find the topic interesting, and there are so many different ideas, philosophies, tips, articles, books, blogs—you get the point.  I truly enjoy reading them all and taking little bits and pieces with me to create my vision for leadership.  I think most everyone out there … read more »

Cartoons and Comics Aren’t Just for Newspapers Anymore

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Did you know the first cartoon appeared in a U.S. newspaper way back in 1754? Benjamin Franklin’s Pennsylvania Gazette featured the political cartoon “Join or Die” on May 9, 1754. The picture showed the American colonies as a snake divided into eight pieces and presented the political point of view that the colonies should unite. … read more »

Virtual Field Trips for Arbor Day

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National Arbor Day is celebrated the last Friday in April each year. Local Arbor Day celebrations differ by state; many states observe this holiday at the best time for planting trees in their part of the country. For example, Maine observes the holiday on the third full week of May while South Carolina’s observation is … read more »

Let’s Continue the Conversation: Virtual Collaboration in the Classroom

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If you caught last Thursday’s bi-weekly OK2Ask Twitter Chat (see the archive here), you know we chatted all things virtual collaboration.  Let’s delve a little deeper into this topic and continue the conversation. Regardless if you’re a new or seasoned educator, you’ve surely been bombarded with the importance of a collaborative learning space.  Collaboration is … read more »