Media Literacy in a Presidential Election Year

Bombarded by television ads in this presidential election year, especially in battleground states, many of us tend to press the mute button on the remote or change the station. However, as teachers, we should be thinking about the messages our students are getting when watching TV and as they live their everyday virtual lives. Media literacy, … read more »

Developing a Growth Mindset through Three-Minute Journals

One of the hottest topics in education is Growth Mindset. Inspired by Stanford University psychology professor Carol Dweck, it is the belief that the brain is like a muscle that can grow stronger through hard work. An article published in U.S. News and World Report provides more information on this topic including information on how … read more »

Have You Heard? If they can do the worksheet, they don’t need it…

It is the start of a new school year. May this be your most wonder-filled, rewarding and empowering yet. At the beginning of each new year, we plan — we plan for the use of instructional strategies that have improved student learning in the past, and we plan for the implementation of newly acquired strategies as … read more »

TO BE READ: From Our Shelf to Yours, August 2016. Prepare to be inspired. Prepare to be challenged. Prepare to grow.

Another fabulous summer has come to a close. Educators are once again engulfed in the start of a new school year and all the wonderful and time-consuming things that go along with it. While most of you found time to read over the summer amid vacations, lesson plan prep, professional development and personal rejuvenation, it … read more »

Are Digital Natives Digital Citizens, Too?

In this season of intense political activity, now might be a good time to think about digital citizenship. We cannot assume that our students who are digital natives have the skills to be good digital citizens of the virtual world in which they live every day. Many schools have some sort of cybersafety curriculum, perhaps … read more »