All about Me and Other People, Using Biographies in Instruction

The start of the school years is a time to get to know our students. Perennial favorite activities other than “what I did on my summer vacation” essays are “all about me” assignments. As students take a look at their own lives, this is a perfect time to add biographies to your class lessons. Reading … read more »

Going Beyond Fake News to Information Literacy

Fake news and stories about fake news are everywhere right now. In a recent blog post, I shared criteria for judging online resources, including news stories, using the CRAAP test. However, since this topic is of critical importance to our students, it merits another look. In fact, digitally literate teachers who teach their students to … read more »

Summertime and the Reading Is Easy

“Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” Henry James. Ah, summertime and the reading is easy. Finally, time for teachers to read something just for fun. Nothing is more enjoyable than sitting under a tree with a cool drink and a good book written … read more »

Summer Solstice or Meteorological Summer?

Summer officially begins on June 21 at 12:24 AM EST. Or does it? Ask your local weatherman and he will probably say that meteorological summer began on June 1. Both explanations, based on data and science, offer interesting opportunities for exploring weather and seasons through a different perspective. To understand the difference between the two … read more »