Tech Tool of the Month: Case Maker – Part 1

Case Maker offers a collection of 20 civic challenges designed for middle school students. Each challenge includes primary resources. Challenge topics include Brown vs. Board of Education, Principles of Major Political Parties, Propaganda and “Fake News,” School Desegregation and the Little Rock Nine, and several other historical and civic topics. Students are not required to … read more »

What’s The Buzz: Storytelling

World Storytelling Day is just around the corner. As the world gets ready to celebrate the art of oral storytelling, it seemed the perfect time to ponder the instructional case for storytelling.   Storytelling is an ancient interactive art form in which one conveys a tale with gestures, words, and sounds while encouraging the listener to use … read more »

Let’s Talk About: Media Literacy

As we begin to resume our K-12 charge – educating the children of our nation – we will need to contend with the diverse issues that our students have been hearing about. From the Black Lives Matter movement to the upcoming presidential election and everything in between, students have been inundated with media. There is … read more »

Tech Tool of the Month: Mission US Part 2

In Part 1 of this blog, you were introduced to Mission US. This free tool transports students to transitional times in US history and immerses students in historical settings. Students get to make decisions as the fictional characters. Yesterday we shared an overview of the tool. At the time of this post, there were five … read more »

Bringing the Gettysburg Address to Life With Video

November 19 marks the anniversary of the Gettysburg Address given by Abraham Lincoln in 1863. This extraordinary speech is taught in classrooms around the country as an example of a powerful speech that shares the principles of democracy and freedom during a difficult time in American history.   Although relatively short (about 2 ½ minutes), this … read more »