Teaching About Diversity in Media

Diversity in media is all about recognizing that multiple perspectives should be present in media, and if they aren’t then seeking out more diverse perspectives is warranted. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s TED Talk, “The Danger of a Single Story,” is a shining explanation of why diversity in media is a must and why we must not … read more »

Analyzing Media In the Classroom

Media is all around us. Students need to be able to analyze media in the classroom and in their daily lives. Analyzing media should be one of the first media literacy activities to be incorporated into the classroom as it is one of the easiest activities to integrate. Teachers use media in the classroom to … read more »

Media Messages Matter

We are inundated with media messages – be it in traditional print formats or digital texts, images, videos, or advertising. As adults, we have the experience and ability to interpret and often ignore the constant barrage of information that confronts us. However, our students do not have the expertise to handle all the extraneous information … read more »

Going Beyond Fake News to Information Literacy

Fake news and stories about fake news are everywhere right now. In a recent blog post, I shared criteria for judging online resources, including news stories, using the CRAAP test. However, since this topic is of critical importance to our students, it merits another look. In fact, digitally literate teachers who teach their students to … read more »

Misinformation, Disinformation, and AI – What Students Need to Know

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an amazing tool. Like all tools, it has benefits and deficits—one deficit affecting education is AI’s ability to produce misinformation and disinformation. Misinformation is false or inaccurate information, and disinformation is false information deliberately produced to mislead. Media literacy education is key to teaching students to recognize misinformation and disinformation produced … read more »