Teach Bullying Prevention All Year Long

Last month was National Bullying Prevention Month, but educators know that bullying is an everyday issue. According to the NEA, it is the number one discipline problem in middle schools and a significant problem at all grade levels. So, how do we provide students with the safe and supportive climate for learning they deserve? Here … read more »

Take 5: EdTech Temperature Check with Susie Highley

This month’s ‘EdTech Temperature Check’ in five questions takes us to the Crossroads of America, Indiana. Meet Susie Highley, veteran middle school educator, media specialist, former science teacher, and tireless advocate for education. A co-founder of edCampIndy, co-author of Teaching 2030 and member of the SFL K12 Advisory Council, Susie is always on the lookout … read more »

How a Transparent Classroom Leads to More Effective Parent/Teacher Conferences

One of the big buzzwords from the 2016 elections is transparency. Wikipedia’s definition of transparency is “operating in such a way that it is easy for others to see what actions are performed.” We want our candidates to provide any and all information necessary to keep us up to date so that the public has … read more »

Media Literacy in a Presidential Election Year

Bombarded by television ads in this presidential election year, especially in battleground states, many of us tend to press the mute button on the remote or change the station. However, as teachers, we should be thinking about the messages our students are getting when watching TV and as they live their everyday virtual lives. Media literacy, … read more »

TO BE READ: From Our Shelf to Yours, August 2016. Prepare to be inspired. Prepare to be challenged. Prepare to grow.

Another fabulous summer has come to a close. Educators are once again engulfed in the start of a new school year and all the wonderful and time-consuming things that go along with it. While most of you found time to read over the summer amid vacations, lesson plan prep, professional development and personal rejuvenation, it … read more »