3 Resources for Science News for Students… And What To Do With Them!

December 11 is International Mountain Day. The purpose of this occasion is to highlight the importance of mountains as a resource for over half of the world’s population and also recognize the damaging effects of climate change, overpopulation, and over-exploitation of resources. Although this isn’t a famous event, the purpose and issues are ones that … read more »

How to Turn Your Hour of Code into an Hour of Excellence!

Hour of Code™ celebrations take place during Computer Science Education Week, December 3-9, but now is the time to prepare for a successful event in your school or classroom. The Hour of Code™ is a nationwide initiative by Computer Science Education Week and Code.org to introduce millions of students to one hour of computer science and … read more »

Infusing Technology into Earth Science Week

Let’s talk about Science. Earth Science to be exact. Earth Science Week takes place October 14 – 20 and this year’s theme is “Earth as Inspiration.” Sponsored by the American Geosciences Institute, the goal of this annual event is to promote understanding and appreciation of earth sciences and encourage stewardship of the earth. Here are … read more »