Keep the Spirit of Invention Alive in Your Classroom

This week we celebrated Kid Inventors Day! As we experienced, Kid Inventors Day activities bring creativity, problem-solving, and fun into your classroom. So let’s keep the momentum going. If you have been looking for a low-barrier entry point to bring STEAM and Maker Education into your classroom, kid inventor activities are for you! What can … read more »

Bring the Sustainable Development Goals Into Your Classroom

Critical thinking, social-emotional learning, culturally responsive teaching, authentic learning—these are a few of the latest terms found in many discussions of education and teaching. It might seem daunting to address all of them, but some issues offer the opportunity to embrace these concepts by providing lessons with a larger frame of reference. One such frame … read more »

Infusing SEL Into Everyday Instruction

It is critical to teach students strategies to deal with emotions and interact respectfully with peers. As a father of six, life can be crazy. My wife, also a teacher, enjoys our bedtime routine of reading aloud to our children. Recently, we read Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes. Lilly brings a purple plastic … read more »

Fly High With Airplanes and Choice Boards!

Do you use Choice Boards? If you find them interesting but still need some more information, let’s take a look at one example of how to get started in a way that incorporates science and STEAM activities based upon significant dates in history and student interests. December is a significant month for aviation history. On … read more »

Reading and Winter Break

Winter break, a time for rest, relaxation, and reading! Students may not think of reading as their favorite use of time over break, but you can change that. Helping students formulate a plan and get excited about their reading choices will go a long way. Student reading choice is an important factor in encouraging students … read more »