School Librarians Stepping Up During Virtual Learning

School librarians and school libraries are essential in school buildings today. What happens when schools go virtual? School Librarians step up! How can you as a School Librarian step up your virtual learning game? Besides staying abreast of school library news and blogs, staying connected with your school community is fundamental. School Librarians are reimagining … read more »

Celebrate Public Service Day Virtually

June 23 is Public Service Day. Created by the United Nations in 2003, this observance celebrates the value of public service to the community, recognizes the work of public servants, and encourages young people to explore public service careers. The implementation of social distancing guidelines creates obstacles to in-person celebrations and recognition of public service … read more »

What’s the Buzz: Professional Learning and Development

As we anticipate the first official day of summer, many educators look forward to a well-deserved break. Thinking of what we accomplished, given the challenges faced, we reflect and wonder how to increase effectiveness next school year. Many outside education think educators spend the summer months enjoying time off when, in actuality, the opposite is … read more »

National Kindergarten Day Lesson Plans From TeachersFirst

Kindergarten children are confident in spirit, infinite in resources, and eager to learn. Everything is still possible. Robert Fulgham German educator Friedrich Fröbel, the founder of the first play and activity institute, was born on April 21, 1782. His institute, which opened in 1837, became known as ‘kindergarten’ or children’s garden. In the United States, … read more »

Go Green for St Patrick’s Day with Skype in the Classroom

What do St. Patrick’s Day and recycling have in common? I bet you guessed right, they both incorporate a message of green. So this year, how about going green with eco-friendly lessons on recycling? If you are familiar with Skype in the Classroom (TeachersFirst review), you already know about the many interactive offerings available to … read more »