Sustainable Development Goals in the Middle-Level Classroom

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Problem-solving is a crucial skill we teach our students through in-class experiences to prepare them for their future. One of the most critical problems our students can solve is the challenge of sustaining our planet for future generations. In 2015, leaders from the 193 countries of the United Nations created a plan with 17 interlinked … read more »

Creating a Sandbox of Innovation

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Spring signifies new beginnings, progress, and the blossoming of new things. But did you know that May is also National Inventors Month? If it weren’t for inventors, you might be receiving this post through the telegraph or the Pony Express! National Inventor’s Month recognizes the talents of people who have impacted our world with their … read more »

Celebrating Social Media Day with Digital Citizenship

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Observed annually on June 30, Social Media Day was created by Mashable in 2010 to celebrate the power of social media for connecting the globe. Today, social media is the hub of global communication. Social media platforms allow us to quickly and conveniently connect with friends and family, make new friends, pursue business opportunities, and … read more »

Is it Time to Evaluate Your Digital Learning Practices?

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This year is the 10th annual celebration of Digital Learning Day. On February 25, educators will participate in an online celebration of ideas, stories, and promising practices related to incorporating digital learning into everyday instruction in schools. Using #DLDay and #DLDay2021 on Twitter and Instagram, educators collaborate and share new ideas, tools, and strategies for … read more »

Virtual Inauguration? Create a Virtual Lesson with Bitmojis!

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The Constitution initially established March 4 as Inauguration Day in the United States. This date allowed enough time for an orderly transition of power and for all newly-elected candidates to travel to the capital. In 1933, after advances in communication and transportation made the long wait until March unnecessary, the date moved to January 20 … read more »